Openness Data Sharing: Medical Information

A recent study shows a growing demand for Data Openness and Data Sharing from the wider research community in today’s world. Many funding bodies are insisting to change researcher attitudes and practices around data by bringing openness and reproducibility of research. These bodies are also providing the guidance and tools to the communities to increase the transparency of research data. Data sharing is an integral aspect of this development.

There is also a growing demand for sharing Medical Information and Clinical Data as a public good. An Openness of Medical Information raises a big question concerning the safety and security of individual patient records. Maintaining confidentiality of data records is also very important. A public trust perception in the entire healthcare establishment is directly linked to the privacy of their medical records which it keeps. Privacy of the medical records is also a significant factor in discussions of health data sharing. The complex issue has many challenging dimensions, from what happens after the initial intake of an individual’s data to what happens in data aggregation and secondary use. There are many key legal and social challenges to privacy issues from a variety of perspectives.

Importance of Data Sharing in Healthcare

Most of public surveys results indicate that the public holds strong privacy concerns about how their personal health information is handled. Surveys also show that peoples are mostly concerned about the uses of their private data not directly relevant to providing care. These surveys also indicate that current laws and organizational practices may not provide adequate privacy protection for patients.

On the other hand, many research organizations recommend a scope of activities related to health privacy, patient notice, and public education on privacy and compliance as opportunities to provide evidence-based medicine (EBM). With the increased incorporation of electronic health records (EHRs) into care delivery and research, the growing volumes of valuable data for evidence-based research and care may eventually force significant changes to strike a balance between privacy and advancement.

Balancing patient privacy protections with advancing data-driven clinical research and care delivery is an ongoing challenge for many healthcare organizations. Some researchers suggest that patient-controlled privacy policies, such as those offered through repositories of personal health records, might help with gaining traction on the issues of clinical data, privacy, and security with the public. They also recommend a scope of activities related to health privacy, patient notice, and public education on privacy and compliance as opportunities to provide evidence-based medicine (EBM).

The Ups and Downs of Evidence Based Medicine

Connections to people:

                Multiethnic People Connecting with Social Media Symbols


With the advancement of technology face to face, communication is changing into social media communication. Unlimited 24/7, 365 days a year access to the networking sites make it easy to talk to anybody, anywhere without any discrimination. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram are most widely used social network all over the world. People of all ages students, professors, household/working women, elderly people even worker skilled/unskilled, employee, employer, businessman/women, are using and to stay connected with each other. Business to business and business to customer relationships are increasing day by day in social media. Now it is becoming a life attitude and beneficial to life.


  •    Convenient way
  •     Marketing a new product or service
  •     The fastest way to communicate
  •     Help in seeking a new job
  •     Help in decision making
  •     The easy and free way of advertising
  •     Help in fundraising
  •     World has shrunk
  •     Assistance in different matters
  •     Sharing ideas
  •     Connection all over the world


  • Cyberbullying
  • Identity theft
  • Fraud users 
  • Nothing is private anymore
  • Bad influence on children
  • Time wasting
  • Student lose interest in their studies
  • Lack of emotions
  • Lack of personal meet up
  • Reduces family closeness
  • Addiction of using social media


There must be a parental control on the site of the children, some children programs must be banned due to their inappropriate language and material. On the other side, social media has much more advantages, to overcome the disadvantages. It is becoming a norm and an essential part of life

Misuse of social network


Following video is insightful to understand what the hackers are doing, all pros and cons and how they are helping us in improving our security/privacy.

Hackers: the internet's immune system | Keren Elazari


Social media presents an opportunity for fraudsters to harvest huge amounts of publicly available personal data. Once data is publicly shared, fraudsters can use bots to collect and compile it. This technique, called web scraping, allows fraudsters to efficiently build profiles of their targets (Testa, 2016). Use of fake profile is a common case of Fraudsters.


Hoaxes are the fake marketing tool for the real products which includes fake Twitter followers, fake YouTube views, Facebook likes, Instagram followers, etc. Following video is explaining this.

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: How Much of Facebook's Ad Revenue is Legitimate?

Cyber-bullying : 

Social network like Facebook, twitter, Instagram, etc., email, SMS, instant messages, where people share their contents like text, video, photo, sound message,etc., is used to share negative, false or mean content to humiliate or embarrass someone. This is a criminal behavior. We must educate people about it. Often bullying is persistent and permanent. Now there are laws and sanctions for cyberbully.

Cyber Stalking: 

It refers to the crime by using Internet, email, or any other electronic communication to threaten other person. They can often create fake websites for this purpose. A cyber stalker often tries to damage the reputation of the victim and gather as much information as possible by interacting with the victim’s friends/family.

Cyber Stalking


Testa, A. ( 2016, May 26). What You Need to Know About Fraudsters and Social Media. Retrieved from

Public relations in Social media with privacy/security in 2030:

Penetration of social media and social network is increasing day by day. 71% of internet user are social network users, and this figure is growing constantly. Public relation is increasing and communication through network is growing and due to globalization people talk more using social network rather than face to face commutation. Mobile technology is also improving and creation of public relation is becoming easier every day.

Dos and Don’ts for Public relation’s privacy/security in social media in 2030:

  •  Profile Management: We should not create detailed information about ourselves in our profiles and make it visible to the public. For example, one can write day and month in the field for date of birth rather than writing the full date with year. Important information like credit card details, SIN numbers or passports or flight details should not be uploaded.
  • Daily status and location updates: Although we can set our privacy setting in social networks still our communication can broadcast publicly and quickly without our knowledge. We should take care in making regular posts on the social media. Updating one’s real time location is not a good idea even if shared with even private contacts.
  • Information provider to marketing agencies and hackers: We are welcoming hackers by sharing lots of private information. The contents of media like photographs, links of other web pages, videos, music, etc. is supportive for the marketer. Sometime advertising annoys you but on the other hand, it is helpful too. Your protection is in your hand.
  • Social information sharing: Electronic tracking and profile building in web 3.0 can share your information without your permission.


If we want to improve public relation we have to improve tolerance, social support, trust, society and Government support. Everything is archived in the retrievable digital storage. Using electronic chat software, one writes without caution or a guard and in a rapid-fire response might write something that the individual might regret and cannot be erased as ‘internet does not forget’ and web 3.0 will keep track of all the big data generated by a single person. The more you use it the more it will learn about you and it will be more personalized. In future 2030 public relation can be make very easily. Some views about Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter etc. is that social network is isolating people and truncating their relationships.

Future of Social Media in Privacy/Security in 2030

                         Privacy Vs Security 


As we all know, the world is a global village now and the people, mostly the younger generation are living in two worlds, the virtual world and the real world. In fact, the interaction between the real world is becoming lesser than the virtual world. People like more to talk through social media rather than face to face. That’s why we are keeping records of our daily life through social networking. We are giving these authorities to our friends and relatives but this information is easy to obtain, share and download by any other person who is interested in, and can take it without your permission. Now the biggest issue is the privacy of our contents and posting.  Marketers can also easily use this data to focus on their market business and to advertise their product. As “Your digital foot print from your web surfing history to your Facebook likes to your retweets to the videos you watch on YouTube are being collected and you are being provided offers or being denied opportunities based upon your digital activities. Is this fair or legal? (Shear, 2018)”. 
 Most people think that security and privacy are the same things. But they are entirely different from each other.


When a hacker gains unauthorized access to a written language or protected coding of a site,
security issues occur. Security is about confidentiality, integrity, availability and non repudiation.

Those who breaches site’s security network can easily access to the private information of the user. How mush a user putting his/her information relates with how much time a user spending on that site and how much information a user is uploading on the site. The sites having  huge amount of information to process are easy to hack and may end up easily in the pool of biggest breaches, if the software of that site has a single flaw in it. For example, in video game, a player can get advantage or can give disadvantage to other player if there is a flaw or bug in the game design.


The unwarranted access to the private information, don’t necessarily cross the security breaches, cause the issue of privacy. Privacy is all about PII . (Personal identifiable information). Networking sites that invites user participation and providing open platform for messaging, invitation, photo/video posting are suitable to gain the access of private information. Sometimes it seems that this is the design of the social network program that intend to gain private information, not a mistake in the implementation of the social networking sites. A Facebook user that has 700 friends and following 80 groups is giving more information than a person who seldom uses this site. This is the responsibility of the user, not to share over information. Address, phone number, full date of birth, credit/debit card numbers and other private information should not be uploaded. User must set their privacy controls. Limit your presence and just post those things which you will not mind to tell/share with a stranger.

                                Why Your Password Suck...And How to make them Better

In conclusion we can not have a social networking site free from security/privacy risk. Using social network is a great fun but we should step wisely in the world of strangers.


Micro, T.(Publisher). (n.d.). Data Breach - Definition - How data breaches happen [Image]Retrieved  from

Shear, B. (2018, january 3). Top 5 Privacy & Security Issues For 2018. Retrieved from

Vandy, K.(Publisher). (n.d.). Why Your Passwords Suck!....And How To Make Them Better[video] Retrieved from