Following video is insightful to understand what the hackers are doing, all pros and cons and how they are helping us in improving our security/privacy.
Social media presents an opportunity for fraudsters to harvest huge amounts of publicly available personal data. Once data is publicly shared, fraudsters can use bots to collect and compile it. This technique, called web scraping, allows fraudsters to efficiently build profiles of their targets (Testa, 2016). Use of fake profile is a common case of Fraudsters.
Hackers: the internet's immune system | Keren Elazari
Social media presents an opportunity for fraudsters to harvest huge amounts of publicly available personal data. Once data is publicly shared, fraudsters can use bots to collect and compile it. This technique, called web scraping, allows fraudsters to efficiently build profiles of their targets (Testa, 2016). Use of fake profile is a common case of Fraudsters.
Hoaxes are the fake marketing tool for the real products which includes fake Twitter followers, fake YouTube views, Facebook likes, Instagram followers, etc. Following video is explaining this.
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: How Much of Facebook's Ad Revenue is Legitimate?
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: How Much of Facebook's Ad Revenue is Legitimate?
Cyber-bullying :
Social network like Facebook, twitter, Instagram, etc., email, SMS, instant messages, where people share their contents like text, video, photo, sound message,etc., is used to share negative, false or mean content to humiliate or embarrass someone. This is a criminal behavior. We must educate people about it. Often bullying is persistent and permanent. Now there are laws and sanctions for cyberbully.
Cyber Stalking:
It refers to the crime by using Internet, email, or any other electronic communication to threaten other person. They can often create fake websites for this purpose. A cyber stalker often tries to damage the reputation of the victim and gather as much information as possible by interacting with the victim’s friends/family.
Cyber Stalking
Testa, A. ( 2016, May 26). What You Need to Know
About Fraudsters and Social Media. Retrieved from www.emailage.com:
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